Alcoholic Gastritis


Pylori such as Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, enterococcal infection, Herpes simplex, and cytomegalovirus. Parasitic gastritis may result from cryptosporidium, Strongyloidesstercoralis, or anisakiasis infection. Review current treatment and management options used in gastritis. Heavy drinking can cause men to have difficulty maintaining an erection .

consumption of alcohol

But as you continue to drink, you become drowsy and have less control over your actions. Because denial is common, you may feel like you don’t have a problem with drinking. You might not recognize how much you drink or how many problems in your life are related to alcohol use. Listen to relatives, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help. Consider talking with someone who has had a problem with drinking but has stopped.

  • But chronic gastritis can lead to complications such as ulcers that may even require surgery.
  • Binge drinking causes significant health and safety risks.
  • This can be caused by bacteria, consuming too much alcohol, chronic stress, certain medications, or other immune system problems.
  • It is advised to stop drinking of alcohol as it may cause harms beyond recovery.
  • This is done to see if there are any other reasons for the abdominal pain.

It usually lasts a short period of time coming in small bursts. Acute gastritis can affect people of all ages but is most commonly found in adults and older adults. Gastrointestinal bleeding can easily turn into a medical emergency. It can even be lethal if the bleeding is not stopped, or the acid wears through completely and leaks stomach contents into the abdomen. If this serious condition should occur, life-threatening peritonitis, sepsis from a blood infection, and multiorgan failure may occur.

Reversing the Effects of Alcoholic Gastritis

As you get older, the stomach lining thins. The blood supply to the stomach also slows, as does the rate of stomach lining repair. Ria Health offers several FDA-approved medications for alcohol use disorder.


Doctors could prescribe various medications which would be helpful. Some of which could include antacids , H2 antagonist; ranitidine, proton pump inhibitor; such as Prilosec. If gastritis is left untreated, it can lead to a severe loss of blood and may increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. Gastritis is a common but generally treatable condition. You may be surprised to learn that your indigestion is actually due to gastritis.

activity based costing can be severe enough to impair your ability to function at work or in social situations. If you need help finding the right treatment programs to win the battle against alcoholism, there aretreatment providerswho can guide you to the right path. An X-ray of your upper digestive system after swallowing a solution that would allow your medical provider to examine your digestive tract. If you recognize any of the symptoms above, it may be necessary to discuss them with your medical provider.

Gastritis in the alcoholic: relationship to gastric alcohol metabolism and Helicobacter pylori

Eating fermented foods with live probiotics can have powerful benefits for your body and brain. Here is a list of 11 super healthy probiotic foods. Learn how to prepare for an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.


Other things can also cause these symptoms, so check with a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Gastritis means that your stomach’s inner lining is inflamed or worn down. Alcoholic gastritis is what people call it if gastritis happens because of alcohol use.

Chronic gastritis can cause metaplasia or dysplasia, which are precancerous changes in cells that can lead to cancer if left untreated. This can be caused by bacteria, consuming too much alcohol, chronic stress, certain medications, or other immune system problems. If you need help reducing your alcohol intake, Ria Health is an online alcohol treatment option that can help you cut back or even abstain altogether. Personal coaching sessions, expert medical counseling, online tools, and support groups are all available to help you develop a healthier relationship with alcohol. Gastritis can become serious, especially if it is chronic and the lining of the stomach has thinned and become damaged.

Over time, symptoms worsen and become more intense, more painful, and more unmanageable. Chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatment can increase your risk of gastritis. Whatever you choose, remember that detoxing from alcohol abuse and addiction alone is dangerous. Seek medical help if you plan to quit or cut back on alcohol consumption. Gastritis is defined as the histological presence of gastric mucosal inflammation. The broader term gastropathy encompasses lesions characterised by minimal or no inflammation.

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

When alcohol is the cause of gastritis, it is not much good to treat it with medicines. This is because drinking alcohol will continue to irritate and damage the stomach lining. At the same time, this is a largely preventable and treatable disease. This is particularly true of gastritis caused by excessive and long term alcohol consumption.Stopping drinkingorreducing your alcohol consumptionis one way to lessen the symptoms. How does chronic alcohol misuse trigger alcoholic gastritis? Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to a severe hemorrhagic gastritis because of the irritation of the gastric mucosa.

alcohol abuse

Gastritis is a redness and swelling of the stomach lining. Treatment will depend on the cause of the gastritis, your symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.

Excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and increases your risk of an enlarged heart, heart failure or stroke. Even a single binge can cause serious irregular heartbeats called atrial fibrillation. Depression and other mental health problems. It’s common for people with a mental health disorder such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder to have problems with alcohol or other substances. There will be continuous pain in your abdomen and a bloated feeling. Your stomach will become so sensitive that many foods/drinks will irritate it.

All Addiction Resource content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. Learn more about how our program can help you cut back on your terms, and improve your overall health. From day one, Ria Health has offered support for the Sinclair Method—a medication-based approach to moderate drinking or abstinence with a 78 percent success rate. We are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options.

Regular intake of alcohol neutralizes the bicarbonate ions which constitute the stomach’s mucous epithelial lining, thereby damaging the mucosa lining. This article focuses on the causes and treatment of gastritis, signs and symptoms, and explains the interrelationship that exists between alcohol and gastritis. Because alcoholic gastritis is caused by alcohol consumption, the primary treatment is to stop drinking alcohol. Treating alcoholic gastritis can be challenging, so it is important to work with your doctor to determine the best possible treatment.


Excessive and prolonged alcohol use can lead to a variety of several serious health conditions. There are three stages of alcoholism; Early, Middle and Late. For further information about the Stages of alcoholism you can read the Alcoholism Stages page. Binge drinking can also lead to Alcoholic Gastritis.

Some research studies indicate that having bariatric surgery may increase the risk of developing alcohol use disorder or of relapsing after recovering from alcohol use disorder. People with a history of emotional trauma or other trauma are at increased risk of alcohol use disorder. Drinking too much on a regular basis for an extended period or binge drinking on a regular basis can lead to alcohol-related problems or alcohol use disorder. Some people will also need a medical procedure called gastroscopy.